Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Not Me Monday

Another edition of Not me Monday! Let's all join the fun and talk about what we "didn't" do this past week!

* I didn't post my Not Me's on Tuesday, because I was too much of a slacker to do it before work and I don't get out of work until midnight. Nope not me.. I should plan ahead!

* I didn't fix my monster a peanut butter sandwich for dinner Sunday night when he had asked for a butter sandwich (gag!) and pretend to have misunderstood.

* I also didn't eat said pb sandwich and make the original requested sandwich for my sweet angel because I didn't want to hear him scream anymore. Nope not me.. That is just gross!

* It didn't make me sick to my stomach being nice to D's *father* Sunday.. nope not me.. I can be civil to everyone and like it.

* I didn't stand at work tonight scanning my card in the time clock 5 times, wondering aloud why it wouldn't clock me in..until someone in the line (that was forming behind me) said to turn it the right way.

* I didn't throw my pants in the dryer again today before work... because I didn't feel like ironing.. nope not me! I always iron and hang up my clothes right away!

Thats all for now! Go over to MckMama's site to find a list of more Not Me! Mondays.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

i NEVER iron and always use the touch up cycle on my dryer...