Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good luck or Bad luck?

I'm really not in a mood to blog..but I'm doing it anyway.

I went Monday and got my hair cut..yes AGAIN.. I decided I wanted to go shorter..
Went to work.. 5 minutes into my shift some stupid ass hits my car!Stupid Hit and Run Driver.. I'm pissed..but what can ya do? Police came.. called my insurance company.. all this lead to nerves from I went home. Spent half the night on the phone w/ various people at Erie.

Tuesday, I picked up a copy of my insurance policy..met the tow truck at work, and picked up a rental car. On my way to work I started having massive chest I detoured to the ER.BP 159/101.. No SVT.. blood work came back heart attack..kept me over night for observation and had a stress test this morning.. That was fun.. NOT. Came back okay.. am supposed to follow up w/ my cardiologist and primary doc.

So Good luck or Bad luck?

Bad- my car got hit.. then they ran...chest pain..high bp
Good- I have full coverage ins, my deductible isn't that high, didn't have a heart attack..not SVT related, now I'm home..

Good luck it is!!

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