Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Dalton and I were sitting on the couch tonight chatting.

Me: How much does mommy love you?
Dalton: Green
Me: *laughing* silly boy.. How many does mommy love you?
D: Bunches
M: Thats right. What about Mam? How many does Mam love you?
D: Bunches
M: thats right..but who loves you most of all?

Dalton: Nanny does!

With my bubble burst, I said I'm sure she does..but you are MY baby. lol


Michelle said...

Why do kids love their nanni's more than their mommy's?...tori's the same way:)

Sarah said...

same here- What a let down!!

Crazy Married Folks said...

I found your blog. I am taking a stab at blogging as well. Wish me luck:)
Dalton is hillarious!